Within every person, family, community and country, there is a riddle to unlock. There is a challenge to be met. There is an opportunity to discern what the problem is in order to find a solution.
In this day and age, anger prevails as a right and a solution. Coveted thoughts are assumed to be true and terror arises at the thought that solutions are found by looking into one’s own heart and soul and self. The war on terror, in my humble opinion began the day the unconsciousness of humanity split open for all to see. Instead of reviewing, assessing, and determining out of a concentrated effort and collective knowledge how to move forward, another war was declared, this time against the evolution of consciousness.
On a smaller scale, within each of our human souls, there is a story unfolding from the moment of first appearance at birth. The story is beautiful, true and authentic. It is each of our responsibilities to script that story, by being aware, being true to one’s understandings and passions in life. We are all born into a family, personal or worldwide. We belong to this circle of life, this family of humanity and each of us come in with a riddle of sorts, placed in our life due to circumstances. It is the quest of life to unlock those riddles so that the beautiful story of our lives can flow out into the world as a gift. Offering ourselves, and all we hold dear, all we hold true, by accompanying each other on the journey, is the greatest joy imaginable. To share, to love and to live together in this beautiful environment called Earth, our home, is a remarkable opportunity.
Last week, I unlocked the riddle of my life. It was a poignant moment where the unconscious challenge met the conscious self. It was intense, yet it was the moment I had somehow been working towards my whole life, so that at the precise moment of exchange and interchange, I unlocked the riddle of my soul’s story and the domino effect unfolded through time.
It felt like the chains were de-linking the thoughts that believed the challenge had been true, for so many years. The challenge I had to understand, work out, find closure to, etc. It was not a large firework display or a sense of freedom, the kind you want to run and jump and skip away with. Instead, with steady heart and clear mind, I finally saw it all for what it was, this riddle……it was a lie because it wasn’t true, and that was the challenge, to see through the riddle in order to see myself. Standing side by side with this riddle planted inside my soul so many years ago, it was the moment when I could say with certainty, thank you for what you have brought to me and it’s time to say goodbye. Fill in your own blanks, whatever you believe is your challenge, your shadowed, negative beliefs about yourself. Because the challenge is not true. What is true is the living body of presence, the beautiful soul of stories, and the passionate spiritedness that lives within each of our light-filled participation. The world thrives on what is wrong with humanity. Our individual riddles thrive on our vulnerability. Imagine a new world culture built out of the beauty and light of each one’s story, accompanying and collaborating, sharing and living together.
This moment in time and timelessness has brought me a rich and deep inner peace, and a lively joy for continuing on the path of unfolding my story. It also made it perfectly clear to me that my love is truly to continue to open and create living environments where love and beauty and this essence of a living wisdom found in the nature of these environments can live, and grow, and provide a place for all of us to belong, be loved, and be well.
So whether I was holding open the inner environment of love for welcoming a new life, a new story, a new child into the world, my children, or whether I’m holding open the space, nurturing the seeds and feeding the soil so the gardens will grow and bloom and feed….I have a joy on this day, my birth day….that I have carried that authentic part of my story through time, faithfully, certainly not so gracefully at times, but ever so committed to finding the true, the good and the beautiful in life, in this precious life, that is a gift, each and every day.
Today I am celebrating my story of life and of living through all the mysteries and miracles and challenges it has to offer. Today, I feel the joy of that complexity through quintessential simplicity. My heart is overflowing with love. My body is full of breath and joy at the prospects of preparing, creating and unfolding many new environments with others. My soul is singing lightly with the fullness of my story and all the other stories I am part of, I know of, and I wish to honour. My spiritedness is calm and sure this day seeing the light and wisdom in the sparkling story of the stars, in the warmth and love of the radiating sun, in the comfort and living beauty this Earth has to offer each one of us.
Love lives
within the nature of environments.
It has colour and passions that surround us
in the story of our lives
in the seed unfolding
in the water that refreshes.
Emotions are embellishments
and simple embraces,
meant to be fluid
gazed upon as a flowing river
turning blue and yellow into green.
Authenticity lies within
the environments of us,
with the qualities of a star
a sun, the rain, a river, a breeze, a breath
Within the nature of environments
we dwell
we create
we uphold
we live and have our selves
to dwell within
to create from
to uphold this inner beauty,
passionate beauty
graceful beauty
beholding a living wisdom.
Anger is easy.
Love is hard,
to see the good in someone else
to find the uplifting solution and commonality.
The riddles of life, breaking open around us
With a clearness that dismisses the lies
that dam the flow of living and loving
with human dignity.
We are all here
with a story to tell,
a life to live
each one matters.
Life a gift of living
out of one’s true self, or seed, or story
It’s time to dispel the world lies,
the terror of looking inside,
the belittling of love and nurturing.
For everyone,
every single person who is alive,
is worthy of love
and capable of loving
in the right living environment.
It is the gift of life.
It is the gift of life.
written by Jill LaBelle Sophie
May 29, 2014
with love
Happy birthday Jill! Lovely post… But you failed to answer my question… How do we unlock this riddle of our lives? Step by step instructions please! Kidding… But glad you figured our yours… Means I have hope hope one day!