The intrinsic or indispensable properties
that serve to characterize or identify something.
The most important ingredient; the crucial element.
The inherent, unchanging nature of things.
A material of a particular kind or constitution.
Essential nature; essence. Gist; heart.
What is, is love.
Out of this essence, this presence,
a new substance is formed: life.
Out of love comes life.
Essentially and substantially.
Quintessentially and extra-substantially.
It is the quickening of that which is called love
that opens up the flower of the heart,
and the environments of the soul
bringing to light the creation and formation
of places and spaces
substances and living beings
carrying within them, the light of love
capable of illuminating environments
substantiating being and becoming.
The canvas of life colourfully painted.
The stories of life majestically unfolded
The words formed to hold open a home
for the essence of love
and the substance of life.
And the world goes round and round and round.