Water has a quality of being transparent within a substance
It has depth and a kaleidoscope of movement
unaffected by form.
Water fills our body’s vessel with refreshment
flowing through corridors of renewal and expression
It rises and falls
Water warms and cools.
It is a substance that holds our essence
while giving and receiving.
It penetrates and releases from matter
finding ways to move through blocked areas
or held places that flow and overflow.
Water can be still
and held within a vessel,
of the earth’s embrace,
The moon moving within its pearly hues of inner reflection
while the sun enters in with warmth and a light of outer reflection.
The water lily
with roots deep into the etheric substance of this fluidity,
present in itself,
flowing and floating and being
just where it’s supposed to be
upon the water
growing tall within the substance of life itself.
It is the reflection of a water lily
pure and delicate
within its element
that bears within itself,
an eloquence and presence of beauty
in the living wisdom
it maintains.
By Jill LaBelle Sophie
Paintings by Claude Monet