Moving gently
through the opening
through the windows and doors
of timelessness and beauty,
and the corridors of the Earth,
poetically, poignantly and peacefully
brings a kaleidoscope of deep emotions,
perfect loving,
the opening of depth and awareness,
sparkling ideas,
and a flow of life ever so new,
every year,
ever so beautiful, so fluid , so moving,
it fills me with a tender evolving silence
and choreography of happiness….
Places and spaces and environments
newly opened, re-opened and re-membered
at this special time of year
in my heart and soul,
my mind and neurology
myself and my willingness…..
with thresholds
ever beckoning and welcoming
to be discovered–as the new pathways,
to be created–as new ways of being and becoming
to be lived–as a uniquely new worldwide culture of peace…
bringing extraordinary experiences
–by and with and around–
the presence
of this gently flowing, unveiled
essence and substance of life,
that radiates love,
cultivates genuine peacefulness
and offers a profoundly new choice
of living every single day, of every single year,
within this ever-present living wisdom.
To take the spirit of Christmas
or to take the spirit of any path
and transform and alchemize it into human capacities
of compassion and awareness
is to bring wholesomeness to our daily life,
sunshine to our hearts,
and star light into the very cells and stories of our existence
all through the year.
Written by Jill LaBelle Sophie
Christmas Eve 24, Christmas Day 25,
Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27th of December, 2012