Swells are wonderful feelings.
That rising and falling of something
Undefinable, yet real, slowly trying
To emerge…like a baby
Swelling and retreating
Until the moment comes when
On the wave of water and choice
It appears in the world
Fresh and new.
Swelling is swelling, really.
And I feel this swelling,
Not in my physicality
But in my womb of worlds
In the wide open sky of possibilities.
And I am drawn back in my gaze to things
that were and are no longer, yet
Not being a pessimist, not lost,
But part of the foundation of my existence
The building and unfolding of the story
of life….precious life
And in this swelling,
I feel that same kind of joy
of anticipating….a baby of sorts…..
a new creation…..something appearing
from inward places,
unseen places of love and nurture,
yet carried in preparation
for years and lifetimes
in order to be free to what?
let the swell come forth
out of me, within me,
out of the universal beauty of form and energy,
or am I simply stepping out of the chrysalis of time
with a compassionate tenderness
worn away through the years
to a smooth, quiet place
that carries the depth of nature’s cycles
and the star’s stories, and the human suffering,
that no longer suffers
but is dipped in the waterfalls of wisdom,
until it is ripened?
freed from that which isn’t the purity of self
with all its imperfections….
Simply imperfect, yet emerging with so much love
and willingness to be and accompany
in the circles of love, free from form and beliefs,
free from steps and logic,
free from suffering in the light of day
and the presence of each other.
Love is a beautiful thing and hard to describe.
Yet it is without form, within form
It expands and radiates, within the vastness of being
aware, present, willing, wise and peaceful.
It opens the middle eye, the third eye of seeing
life differently, with love birthing wisdom
Or is it wisdom birthing love….
my beloved venus sophia, bella sophia, labelle sophie
within the beauty of its own simultaneous appearance and existence
from the inside out and the outside in,
turning with the alchemy of change
without linear sequence, but twisting and swaying with breath
and words like star substance, sun rays and moon beams
dancing in the energetic light and substance of essence
to reveal this feeling, this swelling of existence announcing itself
without worry who or where or what it all is
for in the process of birthing, you are led by grace to do what you
innately know how to do…..push forward…..stay open…..love abundantly
carry with dignity…..hold within, the living wisdom that understands,
mothers and children, swellings and appearances that are larger than life itself
yet placed within the forms of life,
to be discovered, to be lived, to be cherished.
There is this swelling within me, and I tune into it,
like I have in other circumstances
And I sing and dance, I sway and smile, not knowing what I am carrying, yet
prepared for my whole life, through the mantras: I am my purpose,
I’ve come to love…..I am here…..
as winds of change pulled at every heart string I
weave upon, or play upon, or follow…..and yet, I am here,
I am still willing, I am swelling with joy,
I am willing to love unconditionally,
I am present without judgment,
in the moment of this beautiful life
as it swells in me, and I turn in quietness to do what I know innately.
Sit quietly, sing, dance gently and softly, hold my heart in my hands,
my body ,and let go to the calling to intuitively do
what is divinely feminine to do
open wide and bring forth more of this beautiful essence of life
the living love beyond measure,
be aware and present to that which is right here, right now
and bring genuine care, compassion, and a ripened living wisdom
to the new outward manifestation of an eternal living, multi-layered energy
without having to name it, or tame it, or know it, or control it…..
I feel the call to love with all my heart
I feel called to participate in the unseen swelling and appearance of that
which is so much greater than a name or a moment or a place
Yet, I am here, in this moment, in this place and space
And I am willing to be part of this swelling energy of becoming
more than we could ever imagine…..
As anointment, as awakening,
as opening the new places I’ve never birthed from
places within the humanness of existence that open to bring in new impulses,
new energies that will grow new ways of living and being and loving together.
Am I clear? Yes, only in the feeling, that I feel as a woman and a mother,
the something that cannot be described, ascribed or labelled,
but I know to be true, utterly true, in the deepest part of my beingness
which is without form.
So today, I hear the heralding call
And I am ready to move and open to the swelling
I am willing to consciously birth this wave of loving existence
Through my awareness, unknowing of specifics
I have prepared my whole life to live my purpose
to bring love into the world
and I shall do it again in a new way, without a name
or call to myself, but instead I bow, deeply, to this mystery
I feel swirling and swelling
I kneel in devotion
I raise my arms in adoration and joy
And I quietly move back into my day
in humbleness and dignity.
Jill LaBelle Sophie