Eyes wet with tears
accumulating a pond of memories
dissolved into a white canvas of emptiness
washed clean in a second of time.
A hummingbird flies through the door
upright and knowing
head turning to remind me
I haven’t forgotten
the essential nature of being.
Quickening my gaze
to see this rare occurrence
of the messenger humming
a tune with bird eyes
looking directly into mine.
Straight in
straight out
without a turn or a flinch
asking of me to find my
way through the mists rising
to see its face, its eyes
and know nothing is gone…
Everything, everything
comes and goes
appearing differently in
the garment of the traveler.
The traveler
my guest
the hummingbird
startling me into seeing
amidst the thousand flappings
of her wings.
Jill LaBelle Sophie