Today I carried meditatively and heartfeltly…..
the thought for the day….
and what a lovely insight unfolded on our walk
and meditation along the water’s edge.
I could see a beautiful,
light -filled human being,
full of warmth,
moving within the beauty of the substances
of light and warmth,
without the restriction of an outlined form….
It was breathtaking,
and clearly had a quality of luminosity.
This being of light, warmth and luminosity
took on no unwanted thoughts,
projected no colourful emotions,
not as a path of restriction,
but, instead out of a deeply dignified privilege
to have the honour to hold open the space,
create a purely heartfelt environment
in which to bear and be bearer
of this majestic, ever-living consciousness
that unfolds the human capacities of
empathy and compassion.
By sweeping clean from the inside out,
unwanted obstacles,
by opening the windows of the soul,
recognizing and welcoming this light and warmth-filled
substance and essence,
as concrete living parts of ourselves
and our surroundings–
radiating and illuminating–
one begins to subtly recognize
the profound privilege we have
to hold open the living spaces,
to create beautiful environments,
within and around our true human beingness
so that we can participate,
bear and uphold this living wisdom,
this light-filled consciousness,
within ourselves…..
unfolding the capacities
to love and empathize
within our heartfelt and mindful
compassionate selves.
And in so doing,
reflect any other object or living being
by arising within
the living aspect
of that object.
or context of that living being.
This is to live within
a community of living wisdom.
What is my lifelong interest connected to this?
to cultivate the arts of that living wisdom,
unfolding one petal at a time,
one cup of tea at a time,
one thought,
one relationship,
one lovely environment at a time.
To this I remain true.
It lives within me.
From inner places to dwell, reflected as homes of inner beauty,
to interior castles of creative renewal,
reflected as warm hearths of thriving relationships.
Now I enter and bear within me, the place I call Sanctuary–
the inner sanctuary of living wisdom and
the outer sanctuary where love, empathy,
and compassion can be made
manifest and lived consciously in peace.
My quest and commitment:
to hold open within myself,
and around me,
the places and spaces
where the luminosity of consciousness
can be and live and thrive
without struggle,
to help free the life of suffering,
for all living beings
through the presence of love,
the arts of living wisdom,
and the practices of peace.
This is my joyful for today.
Jill LaBelle Sophie
Pictures by Rumi and Arte Shabby, artesanato, with thanks.