I feel ready to begin my new website/blog that I have actually had reserved for a very long time. I realize that it has been 15 years. I originally reserved the name because I thought I would be starting a magazine….all about natural living and wholistic approaches in life. But true to form, I lived it instead.
I have not stopped living but life has become fuller and wider and deeper with more layers and textures. It is in my nature to not just live for myself, instead I love to share life with others. When I first thought about the name, I had imagined living to be a an adjective….a wisdom that was living and in so being, its presence had a kind of guidance. And then as time went on, I realized it was a verb, and that it is in the living of one’s life that one begins living in and out of it.
Back in 1989, I began writing down in the form of a book some beginning thoughts that I called Radiating Love, Upholding Hope and Living Wisdom. As time passed, I realized that they were somehow a type of heritage seed that I had planted into my soul’s quest, and it was not the seed that I was going to be exploring. Instead I realized as I entered into the ancient seed, I would begin living a life that was going to unfold through the years, the seasons, and cycles of its evolution. I would be placed inside of the environments where wisdom, beauty, love, peace, dignity existed, and I would live with them until they were no longer separate from me and I was living out of them…..
I, myself, am not wisdom. But I am living wisdom. I am living beauty, living peace, living love.
Had I begun years ago, I would’ve just been able to speak about their presence, now I am ready to share living out of their existence, their substances, and their essences. It is a great joy to begin this website and share it with others.
I feel the deep joy of new openings.